Proof of Funds
Ensuring Transparency with Proof of Funds
Proof of funds is critical to build trust and assure transparency by demonstrating that OpenDelta securely holds and manages the assets backing its products. OpenDelta employs a rigorous proof-of-funds procedure tailored to the custody structure of each product, combining advanced cryptographic verification and independent audits.
Key Elements of Our Proof of Funds Process:
Cryptographic Proof of Wallet Ownership
OpenDelta cryptographically verifies the ownership of all wallets holding product-related assets.
Independent Attestation
OpenDelta partners with independent third parties such as Hacken to conduct third-party attestations.
The audit scope includes:
Verification of funds held by custody providers, including assets separated from centralized exchanges and protected by Off Exchange Settlement mechanisms.
Inspection of allocation and usage across trading exchanges.
Review of funds in the Insurance Fund reserve, which are held in centralized accounts and wallets with yield generated independently of specific products.
Depending on the product, Audits can extend to on-chain wallet structures.
By combining continuous cryptographic verification with independent auditing, OpenDelta ensures ongoing transparency, safeguarding trust and confidence for its users.
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